JeDEM listed with LOCKSS, Scopus and Crossref!


Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering research topics across all scientific and technical disciplines, ranging from medicine and social sciences to arts and humanities. Further, with smart tools totrack, analyze and visualize research, Scopus empowers you to advance your science beyond the text. See:

The LOCKSS Program, an acronym for "Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe" is based at Stanford Libraries, provides services and open-source technologies for high-confidence, resilient, secure digital preservation. See

Crossref is the official Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. This means that it assigns  DOIs to each paper in the journal, but als represents a cooperative effort among publishers to enable persistent cross-publisher citation linking in online academic journals. See: