About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Open Access eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM) is owned and published by the Department for E-Governance and Administration, Danube University Krems, Austria.

JeDEM is a platinum/diamond scholarly-led Open Access e-journal managed by an interdisciplinary team of scholars at the Department for E-Governance and Administration at Danube University. JeDEM has been listed as a Q3 journal in 2021 by the Scimago Journal and Country Rankings. A new Chief Editor, an external scholar in the journal's key area, is invited every 4 years to advise on the journal's strategy. 

It provides a platform for all those interested in discussing possibilities, issues and challenges that societies face today regarding digitalization. Its inception was stimulated by the extremely fast development of information and communication technologies, data and information sharing policies and their use, which rapidly change and mutually influence society, governance and policies. 

JeDEM promotes contributions made to the emerging science of the information age following the highest standards of peer review. JeDEM welcomes submissions related to areas such as e-democracy, e-society, e-participation, e-government, open data, data sharing and use, open science, open access and open source. Within this scope, JeDEM particularly welcomes, but is not limited to, submissions related to the following topics:

  • e-Democracy
    • ICT and communication technologies to promote democracy or (re-)democratization;
    • Digital Divide, social inclusion and related political strategies;
    • Data Divide and algorithmic accountability;
    • policy analysis;
    • the role of security and privacy;
    • democratic innovation, governance models and alternative solutions.
  • e-Society and e-Participation
    • civic technologies and platforms (e.g. evaluation, critical and innovative approaches, national or international solutions);
    • collaborative decision-making and participatory budgeting;
    • the role of civil society and organizations;
    • stakeholder analysis, tool assessment and evaluation (e.g. political parties, government);
    • analysis of platform engagement (e.g. semantic analysis, computational or discourse analytical approaches);
    • co-decision, co-creation, co-production, decision-making and e-voting.
  • e-Government
    • general government services, evaluation of public policies (e.g. platforms for digital communication, virtual organizations and solutions, organizational training);
    • decision-making, Artificial Intelligence and automatization;
    • environmental, social and smart governance solutions;
    • governmental innovation.
  • Open data, including both social and technical aspects and the intersection between them 
    • open data policy, governance, decision-making and co-production;
    • technical frameworks for open data and metadata (e.g. ontologies, data formats, standards and APIs; data visualization; data quality);
    • evidence and impacts of open data: on society and/or public administration; value of real-life applications based on open data, costs and benefits of providing or using open data; emerging good practices; value generation (e.g. transparency, accountability, economic value, public service provision).
  • Data sharing and use, including but not limited to:
    • data with different levels of openness;
    • the role of public, private and societal stakeholders in data sharing and use, data end-users and intermediaries;
    • challenges and solutions for data sharing and use by various actors, including governments, researchers, companies, citizens, journalists, students, NGOs, librarians and intermediaries.
  • Open science, open access and open source software, including but not limited to:
    • best practices of open science;
    • benefits and challenges of scholarly publication, publishing data, information, articles and code through portals and platforms with different levels of openness;
    • safe and responsible sharing of data, information, articles and code with others
    • communication platforms to get more exposure and enhance usability of (open) data information, publications and code.

We advise authors who are uncertain whether their article fits within JeDEM's focus to contact the journal manager: Noella Edelmann

We encourage a diversity of methods and theoretical lenses, including critical studies in the above-mentioned thematic fields. It is the journal’s mission to encourage interdisciplinarity, unconventional ideas and multiple perspectives, and to connect leading thinkers and young scholars in inspiring reflections. JeDEM is an innovative journal that welcomes submissions from all disciplines and approaches. We publish both theoretical and empirical research, both qualitative and quantitative.

Submission Categories and Types of Reviews

When submitting your contribution you will need to select one of the following categories:

  • Research papers (double blind peer-review):
    • Regular submissions (submitted throughout the year, unrelated to a specific call for papers);
    • Special issue submissions (related to a call for papers);
    • Enhanced conference papers;
  • Reflections (reviews, comments, discussions, interviews, project descriptions) (editorial review).

Thus, double-blind reviewing is applied to submitted research papers, whereas reflections will be allocated to editorial review (see Section Policies under Submissions for more information).

Article Publication and Review Process

The typical double blind peer review process for a research paper is as follows.

Authors submit a paper to our journal. The Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editors decide whether the paper will be sent out for review or whether it will be rejected immediately (i.e. a desk reject). To maintain our high quality standard for research publications, we reject papers of insufficient quality immediately (about 50 per cent of all papers submitted to JeDEM). 

If  the paper is selected for review, then at least two external peer reviewers will be assigned; Reviewers submit their reviews; The editors take a decision based on the submitted manuscript. Approximately 50 percent of all papers that have been sent out for review are rejected at this stage of the process. The first review lasts 4-6 weeks.

Either the paper is accepted, or the author(s) is/are asked to make revisions before acceptance, or the author is asked to make major revisions and resubmit the article for a second review, or the paper is rejected.

The managing editor informs the author about the decision and forwards the reviews. The author has one month to revise an accepted manuscript and re-submit for a second round of reviews. The second round of reviews typically lasts 4 weeks.

Final decisions will be communicated to authors 4 months after submission;

Publication is usually quicker than in traditional journal publishing, and, depending on whether authors submitted to a special issue, the enhanced conference proceedings issue, or as an ongoing manuscript, their publication will be added to these issues; 

Open Access Policy

JeDEM provides full open access to its authors and readers. Publishing with and reading JeDEM is free of charge. We ask authors to register with JeDEM to manage the publishing process. To gain all the benefits of the JeDEM community we recommend authors, readers, editors and reviewers to register their interest with JeDEM. JeDEM is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal (ISSN: 2075-9517). All journal content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

Publication Frequency

JeDEM is published twice a year. We also invite best papers and keynotes from the EGOV-CeDEM-ePart conference series and other conferences. In addition, we publish special issues and issues comprised of ongoing submissions to the journal. As JeDEM has several sections per issue, different sections can be included within one issue (for instance: submissions to a special issue might be published together with ongoing submissions).

We encourage authors to contribute to the open submission phase - all our usual policies apply. 

For special issues we will provide an open call on a specific topic, to be edited by guest editors. Watch for our announcements, or register a user on our platform!

Publication Ethics

JeDEM is committed to the standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty held up by the scientific community. We encourage editors, reviewers and authors to consult the guidelines brought forward by the The Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and to follow its code of conduct and guidelines for peer review. We take misconduct (for example plagiarism, unreferenced use of another’s published or unpublished ideas, or falsification) seriously and the editors are committed to ensuring the highest possible quality of the publications. We are committed to publishing ethical, accurate and relevant information and declare that we are not dependent on or influenced by political or commercial factors. In the case of conflict of interests, we will communicate those and the editors might step back from their role and be replaced by another editor. All decisions for acceptance, revisions or rejection of papers are based on the quality of submissions and relevance to our journal. In the case of errors, we commit to correction or retraction.

We commit to the usage of a double-blind peer-review process conducted by experts in the field. These experts should provide unbiased, constructive and fair feedback aimed at improving a manuscript. If we detect personalized or unfair treatment of a manuscript by reviewers, editors commit to assigning another reviewer or to overrule the reviewer. 

If editors detect unethical conduct regarding submissions, the following sanctions shall be applied: we will formally withdraw the paper, inform the relevant editors, indexing authorities and the relevant institution. Authors will be informed about the issue, and further submissions from the author or research unit will be refused until further notice. 

As part of our ethical standards, authors are requested to confirm that they will comply with a list of items regarding their submission to JeDEM; for instance that the work has been approved by all co-authors and is not accepted or published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. 

JeDEM accepts extended and updated versions of conference proceedings for publication as research articles. These updated versions of previous work will be double-blind peer-reviewed. We encourage authors to fully disclose the previous publication, or the publication of parts of the article within the acknowledgements section of the submission. 

If guest editors are working for the journal, editors will ensure that they adhere to the submission process, peer-review process, and the ethical standards of JeDEM.


We take plagiarism very seriously and aim for transparent publishing. All submissions made to JeDEM will be checked for plagiarism using the software Turnitin prior to the peer-review. We  have the following guidelines regarding plagiarism and re-use of previously published material:

1. It is the author/s responsibility to ensure correct referencing to other's as well as their own work.

2. We accept submissions that contain up to 30% of the submitting authors' previously published material;

3. If the submission to JeDEM contains material from a previous submission, authors are expected to reference the material accordingly;

4. Authors are to point out the re-use of  previously published material in the acknowledgments section of the submission, to indicate where it has been previously published/where the original can be found and how the contribution to JeDEM represents a novel contribution or is different to the original publication.

Policy on Re-Use

JeDEM publishes (revised) papers as part of conference proceedings. If this applies, all conference papers may be subsequently updated, or enhanced, for further publication as a regular journal article. Articles that are published as reflections or project descriptions can be extended, further developed or integrated into other research that might later be published.

Benefits of JeDEM

What are the main benefits of publishing with JeDEM? 

  • Open access – JeDEM publishes your work free from access barriers, allowing for global distribution and more citations.
  • Free of charge – Submitting to and publishing in JeDEM is not tied to any processing charges or APCs (fair open access).
  • Peer-reviewed – JeDEM offers a rigorous double-blind peer-review for research articles by experts in the field.
  • Rapid publishing process – JeDEM offers a quick online publishing process while maintaining high academic standards. We aim for a one-month peer review period and publish two issues per year.
  • Ongoing submissions – You can submit to JeDEM throughout the year.
  • Licensing – JeDEM content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), allowing for distribution of your work.
  • Archiving policies – All articles are archived with LOCKKS You can deposit your paper in any repository or archive, and post articles on your personal or institutional websites.
  • Indexing Once published, your article will be comprehensively indexed within Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Google scholar, and the Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester.   
  • DOIs – Each article is identified with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • Post-publication statistics - Metrics shown with each article make it easy to check how often your paper is being downloaded via JeDEM's website and how often it is being mentioned and shared through social media.
  • Add supplementary material - You can make data sets, protocols, large illustrations, videos, questionnaires etc. available to readers alongside your article.
  • Established journal within the e-governance and e-democracy community - JeDEM is recognized within the scientific community and supported by leading scholars in the field.
  • Paper categories and re-use policy - JeDEM also accepts submissions in the categories project descriptions and reflections. These sections are not peer-reviewed and can be extended and re-used for further publication, e.g. as regular peer-reviewed journal article.


All documents are  indexed in main bibliographic databases. JeDEM is indexed with Scopus,  EBSCODOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)Google scholar, and the Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester.  JeDEM has been listed as a Q3 journal in 2021 by the Scimago Journal and Country Rankings.

Each document receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from Crossref.

JeDEM articles are also available in DOOR, the online repository of the University for Continuing Education Krems. 

Please note that as authors, you are advised to update the metadata in our publishing system during the publishing process, as this metadata will be used for indexing - not the data and terms you put into the file. We do our best, but we strongly advise you to use our publishing system and to update your metadata when you make changes to an article.

All documents are  indexed in main bibliographic databases. JeDEM is indexed with Scopus,  EBSCODOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)Google scholar, and the Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester.

Each document receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from Crossref.

Please note that as authors, you are advised to update the metadata in our publishing system during the publishing process, as this metadata will be used for indexing - not the data and terms you put into the file. We do our best, but we strongly advise you to use our publishing system and to update your metadata when you make changes to an article.

Commenting on Articles

All published articles can be commented on by readers (if you want to make a comment, register as a reader and then use the "add comment" section, which is visible on the right-hand side of the abstract of a paper).