Data-driven E-Government: Exploring the Socio-Economic Ramifications
Data-Driven e-Government, Data-Driven Decision Making, Big Data, Data Analytics, Value Creation, Public SectorAbstract
The evident benefits of big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning in society have begun to influence the transition towards a data-driven public sector. Decision-making in the public sector is in an infancy phase of a revolution owing to the inclusion of these new technological innovations. Research has revealed that data-driven e-government policies improve socio-economic development in some nations. Despite the immense opportunities data-driven e-government models have for governments, similar to every system, there are ramifications. This study explores the concept of data-driven e-government as well as investigates the socio-economic implications such an e-government model can have on society. Findings of this exploratory study add insight into a field which is in its early days and still unfocused, as well as making recommendations for policymakers.
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