Editorial 13(2)





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Author Biography

Noella Edelmann, Department for E-Governance and Administration, Danube University Krems

Noella Edelmann completed her Psychology Degree at the University of Strathclyde, UK and Masters' Degrees in Organisational Psychology at the University of London, UK and in E-Government at the Danube University Krems, Austria. She received her PhD in Public Administration from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. She is a currently senior researcher at the Department for E-Governance and Public Administration at the Danube University Krems. Her main research interests are the digital transformation of public sector organisations, organizational behavior and the use of social media in the public sector as well as Open Access scholarly literature. She is involved in the EU-funded projects and national projects funded by the Lower Austrian Regional Government, the Austrian Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sports. Noella is the Managing Editor of the international Open Access eJournal for E-Democracy and Open Government (JeDEM), manages the Fellowship Programme at her Department, is Chair of the Track eParticipation and eDemocracy at the IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-ePart Conference, and a member of IFIP, IEEE, EGPA and the Austrian Committee for Innovation in Public Administration. 




How to Cite

Eibl, G., Gascó-Hernandez , M. ., Jeng , W. ., Zuiderwijk-van Eijk, A., Edelmann, N., & Fourer , M. . (2021). Editorial 13(2). JeDEM - EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government, 13(2), i-ii. https://doi.org/10.29379/jedem.v13i2.699

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