Open government through public complaint management: Success stories from the Jakarta Provincial government




open government, Jakarta, public complaint management, public satisfaction index, service quality, importance-performance analysis, local government


The relationship between open government and public complaints is closely related to transparency, accountability, and public participation in government. The following are some relationships between the two: Transparency in open government aims to increase transparency in providing public information, including information related to public complaints. It allows the public to access information related to public services and the complaints process. Public participation in open government encourages active public participation in the decision-making process. With an open and transparent public complaints mechanism, the public can participate by providing input, submitting complaints, or providing suggestions for improving public services. Accountability in open government emphasizes government accountability to the public. By integrating the public complaint system within the open government framework, the government can more easily be held accountable for handling and following up on complaints. In terms of service innovation and improvement, the government can identify possible problems in public services and take steps to improve the efficiency, quality, and responsiveness of these services by collecting data and information from public complaints. Thus, open government and public complaints support each other to create an environment that is more transparent, participatory, accountable, and responsive to public needs.


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Author Biographies

Inkreswari Retno Hardini, Jakarta Smart City

Inkreswari Retno Hardini works as a Product Analyst at Jakarta Smart City. After her master’s degree in Information Technology from the Bandung Institute of Technology, she is increasingly focused on information technology and education.

Reisa Siva Nandika, Jakarta Smart City

Reisa Siva Nandika is a Product Analyst at Jakarta Smart City, Jakarta. After her bachelor’s degree in informatics engineering from the State Polytechnic of Jakarta, she became interested in using information technology in public service.

Hamdi Hamdi, Jakarta Smart City

Hamdi is the Head of the Product and Service Management Division at Jakarta Smart City, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, he conducts studies regarding e-government and smart cities. He has a Master's degree in Communication Science and a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science from Prof. University. Dr. Moestopo (Religious).

Syora Alya Eka Putri, Jakarta Smart City

Syora Alya Eka Putri works as Research Associate at Jakarta Smart City. After her master’s degree in Sociology from the Universitas Indonesia. She is concerned about literacy skills and strives to improve social policy in Jakarta.




How to Cite

Hardini, I. R., Nandika, R. S., Hamdi, H., & Eka Putri, S. A. (2024). Open government through public complaint management: Success stories from the Jakarta Provincial government . JeDEM - EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government, 16(1), 130–167.



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